Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jasmine's 3rd Birthday

Baby News

Well, had my final OB visit today. I gained a total of 40 pounds, which is much more than I hoped for, but much less than I gained with Jasmine. I do know that most of the weight I gained in the last few weeks are water and baby weight, so not overly upset.

As for my delivery date, well they informed me today that my body will not go into labor because the baby's head is so large it cannot fit through my pelvic area, preventing me from dilating. We told them this is what happened with Jasmine and asked if we could deliver sooner because Jasmine was 9 lbs 15 oz at 38 weeks, but they refused. So the baby will be born around 8:30 am on Friday, August 22, 2008.

I believe that at 37 1/2 weeks I measured 41 with Jasmine. Today I am again 37 1/2 weeks and measure 39. This could mean the baby is a bit smaller, but doesn't mean much. I suppose we will know in 9 days.

I feel bad that my mom will have been here for four weeks prior to delivery, but am grateful at the same time. She will be here until September 6 or 7. I have to check with Ken's mom, but believe she will be coming the following Monday or following week.

Other than a quick email or phone call after delivery, no one will hear anything from us until the 26th or 27th of August. After that will send some photos and provide updates.

Love you all! Wish us luck!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jasmine 3rd birthday

Jasmine 3rd birthday
Originally uploaded by dfaithberry

37 weeks and 2 days

Well I am 37 weeks and 2 days. At my last doctor's visit I was thinning, but not dilated which most likely means I will not be having the baby until my scheduled due date which is August 22. This is a little frustrating because with Jasmine I was already was 2 or 3 cm dilated at my 37 week appointment. That is not to say I won't dilate over the next few days, but I have a feeling that is not going to happen.

The good points about having the baby on the 22nd are that
A) It is my mother's birthday,
B) I really like the OB scheduled to delivery my baby,
C) We get to save a little more money while Jasmine is out of daycare and I am at work.

Of course the pelvic pain is increasingly more painful and my contractions are 10 minutes apart, though the contraction lenghs vary. My one concern is that it feels at though my upper abdomen is bruised. I did bump my belly a few days ago, but today is the first day I felt the "bruised" feeling. Luckily it doesn't hurt and the baby is active, so only need to contend with the pelvic pain which is now shooting through my thighs as well. I am told the cure is to walk more. I am not sure I would agree, but I am trying to walk as much as possible.

Last night I walked about a mile with my mom and Jasmine. Afterwards I felt the pain 10 folds, but maybe that means the baby dropped some more. Lets hope anyhow. I am going to walk a little a lunch with a co-worker (yes I am still working) and then again tonight with my mom. Maybe that will help my cervix dilate and put me into labor. I know, I know, don't rush it...but the pain is so unbearable. I know I have a low tolerance for pain, but I think even Ken would be screaming bloody murder by now.

Of course, none of this seems to bother the baby, who is still moving around in his/her little kingdom.

While Jasmine has been acting out as of late, she has also been more in tune with the baby. Yesterday she wanted the baby to help her with a puzzle so she took him/her out of my belly and sat him beside her. She has a very vivid imagination, which I think is wonderful. We steal each other's noses constantly. It really is a great deal of fun.

My next appointment is Wednesday. Not sure how much news there will be to report, but I will post again either late this week or Monday of next week. Will keep all of you in the loop.



Monday, August 4, 2008

36 Weeks and counting

I have reached the final month of pregnancy and am only 18 days away from my scheduled c-section. Time seems to have slowed to a crawl, but we are trying our best to deal with the time remaining. I have been in and out of the OB office frequently over the past few weeks, but still no major news.

We are a step, and when I say step, I mean a very short step, closer to labor. Last Tuesday I went in and everything was the same. Prepare for TMI - last Thursday I went in and my cervix was starting to soften.

I was in bed most of Saturday due to pain and discomfort, but by Sunday the pain had gone away. Today everything is normal. Hopefully tomorrow my water will!

I am happy about one thing, and that is that my mother is here. Having her here has been such a blessing. I know she is bored to death, but knowing she is near has really decreased my stress level. I didn't get to share my pregnancy or the birth of Jasmine with my mother, so I am overly excited to be able to share this one with her. I cannot explain why really, it is just something that is important to me. I had hoped my father could be here for the actual birth, but I know he has a job to do.

Ken is doing well. He has been very patient, but is just as ready as I am for the baby to come, and not just because of my hormones, though I am sure that plays a huge part...hehehe

Jasmine has been out of daycare for a week now, but it seems like she has been out much longer than that. She has been acting out as of late. Not sure if it is the lack of daycare or the fact that there is a baby on the way. I have been trying to do more with her, but with limited mobility it has been hard. Yesterday we got to paint and tomorrow we are going to bake cookies. Hopefully that will help cheer her up a bit.

Her and her daddy have been spending a lot of time in the pool as well. She loves it and jumps in like a pro. She even remembered how to kick her feet. It really is cute to watch her. I have gone in a few times, but always pay for it afterwords. I just cannot help myself.

Ken really did an awesome job cleaning it up and getting it ready for use. Only one more month of pool fun before we close it up for winter.

Jasmine starts dance class on the 18th. Yesterday we got her little ballet outfit and she wore it all afternoon. She is really excited about dance class. Hopefully she will enjoy it enough to stick with it. She also start Gymnastics, which I know she will love. Not sure which path she will follow, but after this semester she will have to choose one or the other because she will only be able to take a Saturday class once I return to work. Guess time will tell.

I suppose that is all folks. I will write more next week!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Worse OB visit ever

So I am now 34 1/2 weeks pregnant and am ready for the baby to come. The OB office wants the baby to wait until I am at least 35 weeks...after that they consider it safe to give birth. I would like to wait until I am 36 weeks, but as we all know, the baby will come out when it is ready.

Had an OB visit yesterday and met one of the five OBs for the first time. I don't remember his name, but I do know I do NOT want him to deliver my baby. I sat in the lobby for 10 minutes, which really isn't that bad. Then I sat in the private room partially disrobed for another 10 to 15 minutes. When the OB finally came in he spent less than 2 minutes with me, did not address any of my issues, and obviously did not read my chart. For goodness sakes, he didn't even know I was scheduled for a c-section or that I have been in several times over the past two weeks getting monitored because I am having regular contractions. He didn't even address issues I was having that week. I was so steamed when I left, it took hours for me to calm down.

The only thing he did was a quick listen to the baby's heart beat, and checked my cervix, which is still closed (but he did feel the baby's head). I mean damn, he didn't even measure to see if my belly was on point.

Okay, done venting now...was just so upset. Next week I will meet with a NP and let them know that not only do I never want to see him at an OB visit, but I want to schedule my delivery around him, if possible. If he rushed me in the OB office, I am sure he will rush the delivery as well.

This means I really don't have an update on my delivery schedule. It could be as early as August 1 or as late as August 22. The wonderful OB, yeah right, said they would not reschedule my c-section until I was at least 2 centimeters dilated. Hopefully that will give me the time needed to notify my work and anyone else that needs to know.

On a more happy note, my mother is coming this weekend. I cannot wait to have her here. I could really use the support and Jasmine will be so excited to spend some time with her grandmom.

This past weekend was a blast as well. Christine, Mike and their girls Maddy and Kamryn (Ken's cousin) stopped by our place in route to Myrtle Beach. Jasmine and Maddy played with everything they could get their hands on. Kamryn kept to herself mostly, but still played just as hard as the other two girls. The adults, at least in age, spent time playing games, going into the pool, and chatting in up. It was one of the best times I have had in a while. I really enjoyed myself. Hopefully we can do it again sometime in the future. Now if only they would move from PA to NC, that would be awesome!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pregnancy Update

So we are supposedly 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant, though Ken and I are adamant we are at least 34 and 4 days and as far as 35 and 4 days. Unfortunately the OB office will not change our due date unless I measure large, which according to them I am not.

Anyhow, as of 33 weeks I have gained a total of 30 pounds. It is five more than I had hoped to gain, but I can only blame myself. Hopefully the weight gain will slow, but that is doubtful, as the baby is gaining about a half pound per week now.

I have been suffering from severe nausea the past two weeks. Did anyone else experience this? With the nausea and the 10 million peeing sessions per night, sleeping has been difficult. Thankfully my OB mentioned Zantex, which Ken picked up for me yesterday. What a life savor. I haven't had any nausea since. Hopefully that will continue throughout the day and the remainder of my pregnancy.

My due date has been confirmed for August 22 at 8:30 am. We have to be there a couple of hours earlier and the process from start to finish will take 3 to 4 hours, which is not bad considering.

Now for the real news. Friday I went in for a regular visit but because I complained about lower back pains, they hooked me up to a monitoring system to ensure the baby was okay and that I was not having contractions.

Well turns out the baby is fine, but I was having "real" contractions, which got worse over the weekend. They had me come in again yesterday and my contractions are not only steady but getting stronger. I have another OB visit on Thursday so that they can monitor my contractions once again. From my understanding, I will have monitoring visits twice a week from this point forward.

Because of the onset of contractions the OB office is worried about me delivering too early. To prevent preterm labor they want to put me on bed rest, but I told them it was too soon. While they still believe I should be on bed rest, they did give me the okay to continue working as long as I did not walk or stand for more than a few minutes. I tried to get permission from my boss to work from home, but that did not fly, so I am going to try and hold out for a least two more weeks. I would go on short term disability today, but the benefit, while good, is not great. I would only receive full pay for the first 30 calendar days, after that I would only receive 66% pre-taxed...which is a huge loss.

We have decided to pull Jasmine out of daycare early, which breaks my heart, because her school is so wonderful, but it will help us save for the coming months. Her last day will be July 25th. We are also going to finish up the guest bedroom this weekend so that visitors have a place to sleep.

As it stands now, no pun intended, I am no longer allowed to do anything but sit, that includes no shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. It will be hard for me to just sit, but still better than being on bed rest for 3 months, like I was with Jasmine.

Assuming we are in our 33rd week, August 3rd we would be 36 weeks. If Ken and I right and we are further along, August 2nd we would be either 37 or 38 weeks pregnant. For those really reading this, lol, expect a new baby come August 1, that is our new prediction. It should be safe enough then to give birth to a healthy baby. Will write more again after my OB visit next Tuesday.


Monday, June 30, 2008

31 2/7 weeks pregnant

Wow -

Only 7 weeks and 4 days until my projected delivery date. It seems so far, yet so close at the same time. Still, with this summer heat, I wish it were 7 days verses 7 weeks.

My last doctor's appointment went well. Gained a few more pounds putting my total weight gain at 28 thus far. Still hoping to start gaining less, though the baby is now gaining about a 1/2 pound per week. Measurement wise, I am still on track.

There are now bets on how much the baby will weigh and how early I will deliver. To most I look like I am due any day, which coincidentally is how I feel. I still find it rude when a stranger comes up to me and asks if I am due soon. When I tell them my due date they turn around and ask if I am having twins...really, do you want to ask a pregnant woman that. Sometimes I just want to punch them, but I am as polite as can be...poor Ken, I am probably, okay no, I am taking that aggression out on him. I must be stressing him out 10 folds.

My next doctor's appointment is July 11, nothing special going to happen there. Still hoping that during one of these visits the doctor will be, we are off by 2 weeks...your new due date is...doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

Ken was out of town all of last week. It is getting harder for me to do things on my own. I am not as mobile and am having difficulty doing things that require bending, so it is hard when he is far away. Luckily he only has to go out of town one more time before the baby is born, and luckily it is for only one night. I just hope his boss doesn't try and schedule another out of town trip before the baby is due.

Jasmine is turning 3 in six days, but if you ask her, it is still too far away. She is really getting excited. We have decided to skip on having a birthday party for her this year, but will take her out for the day to play games. Just too much for me to host a party at our house. Jasmine isn't really worried about anything but cake and presents anyhow.

Ken's cousin, Christine, introduced me to Facebook....I am totally addicted. I like it much more than Myspace, which means I will probably be deleting that account in the near future. Facebook is more of a elevated email account. I like the ease of sharing pictures as well. Doesn't hurt that you can also play games and have super!

That's all folks! I will write more after my next doctor's appointment. Once August hits, will be having appointments weekly...yeah!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

29 5/7 Weeks Pregnant

So I have only two more days until I reach week 30, which means I have about nine weeks left until my delivery date. I am trying to look at it as only nine weeks left, but boy is it hard, especially now that people are starting to ask if I am having twins. Yes I am that big!

My last visit to the OB was the same. I tried to convince them they were off by four weeks, but that did not work. Oh well, can't hate a girl for trying. The baby is healthy and way more active than Jasmine every was.

At my appointment the scale said I gained 25 pounds thus far...bah humbug. I am hoping to only gain about 1/2 a pound the following weeks, but that is doubtful, as my stomach is expanding very quickly now that most of my weight gain is baby weight.

Had a very busy weekend this past weekend, but it was a good one. Headed to up to New Jersey on Friday, getting there around 10:30 PM. It took us 7 hrs 30 mins because of rush hour traffic near the Virginia / Maryland boarder. Still, the drive wasn't that bad. Jasmine held her pee for 5 hrs 30 mins until we made it to a rest stop to fill up and unload (if you know what I mean). We were so proud of her. She has been doing really well with potty training as of late, and seems to have the timing down now, telling us at least a few minutes before it becomes too late.

Anyhow, Saturday we went to a dance recital for Dana and Jessie. Jasmine's attention span isn't long enough to sit through a dance recital (if it was only animated), so she was a little disruptive and because I took pictures I missed some of the action, but from what I saw it was awesome. It was exciting seeing the girls up there. I cannot wait for Jasmine to start dance classes in August.

After the recital, Gary and mom threw Haley a birthday party. It was a fun time with yummy BBQ. Even the missing phone, which was later found in a hair tie basket in the bathroom, made life interesting for the Shinn/Whelan household.

Sunday of course was Father's day and the baby shower. Jasmine picked out a tape measure that I had engraved for Kenny. It is the perfect gift for someone like Ken, so he was excited.

Julia, my maid of honor and one of my oldest/closest friends, drove down from New York early so that we could spend some quality time together. It was really nice to catch up and grab some breakfast, even if the wait was an hour and the actually eating portion only took 10 minutes.

Later my good friend from college, Lara, showed up. She is four weeks ahead of me, pregnancy wise, lucky dog, and is doing great. It was so nice to just hang out with the two of them and chat about our lives. I really miss having good girlfriends to talk to and hang out with.

I really appreciate that fact that Rob, one of Ken's best friends, came to the shower as well. It made Ken extremely happy, which in turn made me happy. It was a great feeling and I cannot thank Rob enough.

Grandma made my two favorite dishes, potato salad and tortellini salad...yummy. They were so good. In fact, I think the potato salad was her best yet. Unfortunately I didn't get to eat has much as I hoped as there isn't much room in my belly, so I really have to pace myself when eating.

And of course, all of Ken's family came, which was really wonderful. Even pop-pop came, though he hung out outside to avoid finding out the sex of the baby, but it was still so wonderful. I really loved being around family and celebrating the coming of our second and final child.

I had wished some of my side of the family could have made it, but I know it is a bit of a drive for them and that it was father's day. Oh well :(

Overall it was a great day and we had a blast. Though not as important as the time we had together, the gifts were wonderful as well. I cannot tell you all enough how much I appreciate it. Thank you cards will be going out soon!!!!!!

Mom Shinn did a great deal of work to prep for the shower, on top of all the other things she had on her plate. For that I thank her...Thank you mom! I also have to give Aunt Mary Jo and Uncle Lenny props, as they helped mom with a lot of the planning and cooking...Thank You!

Moving on, Monday was Jessie's graduation. I still cannot believe college bound Jessie is no longer in high school. It seems like just yesterday she was in fifth grade and shy. Now she is goofy and outgoing, getting ready to start a life of her own. It just amazes me.

Because of the weather they had to adjust the agenda, but we got to see Jessie walk, which was the most important. I wish we could have spent more time with her afterwards, but we had to head to Uncle Lenny's to prep for our trip home on Tuesday.

Tuesday we headed home around 10:40 and made it home by 4:50. We made really good time, and because we left from Uncle Lenny's we also saved an hour. We hit every area just at the right time, avoiding rush hour traffic all the way home. We stopped about 2 hours into our trip for a pee break, but that was the only stop we made until we got home. Once Jasmine took care of business, she passed right out until we were about 10 minutes from home. Even I, who never sleeps when Ken drives, slept a good 30 to 40 minutes. It was just great all around.

Of course we are all trying to catch up on sleep now. I think we are just about where we need to be, but are looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend.

Ken might have to go out of town next week, which I am not very excited about, but he promises this will be his last out-of-town trip until the baby comes. I hope that is true, because it is starting to get harder to handle everything on my own.

My next doctor's appointment is this Friday. I will be sure to update my post the following week.

Love you all and thanks again to all those who came to celebrate the baby (and those who wanted to, but couldn't).


Monday, June 2, 2008

27 Weeks Prego

Well as the title states, I am 27 weeks pregnant which means I only have 12 weeks to go. How exciting! Nothing special to report other than I am huge. Weight wise, looks like I am going to gain closer to 35 pounds than 25 but at least I will still be in range, so I am okay with that.

Ken's birthday was on the 20th of May. We went miniature golfing and played the arcade. We had a ton of fun, even Jasmine started to get the idea of putt putt? Of course she made up her own rules...after her first hit, she would pick up the ball and place it as close to the hole as possible for an under you can all imagine, she was the big winner. Ken also took her on the go-karts, but she was not a fan of that...too fast for her. Every time they lapped by the bleachers, I wanted to pull her out. Her face showed how scared she was. But she was brave and did not cry. I was very proud of her.

Ken and I have been working with her school to get Jas potty trained. She does well when at school or when we are out, but still pees in her panties when home. Some times it gets so frustrating we end up putting diapers on her again, but we will continue to try. It would be nice to have her potty trained before the baby is born.

Still have yet to paint the baby's room. Hopefully Ken will get the majority of it done this weekend with the help of one of his buddies, but we will see. I would really like to start decorating the room.

Ken and I have cancelled our trip to Vegas this weekend due to the pregnancy, but are hoping to make it out there again in two or three years. Hopefully next year we will be able to take Jasmine and the baby to San Diego and LA to go to Sea World, the Zoo, Disney Land, and Universal Studios. Jasmine's adopted Uncle Bryan lives out there, so should be a nice visit all around.

Well that's all folks!

We are heading to New Jersey in two weeks. I will write more when we return. Hopefully we will have more to write about.

The Whelan Family

Monday, May 5, 2008

23 Weeks and counting

Hello All:

Well, just started week 23 of my pregnancy which means I only have 16 weeks left before delivery. It is amazing how fast time goes by. I am just shy of being 6 months pregnant and really do feel as though I am in my honeymoon trimester. I feel great, and other than the expanding belly (and everything else), I feel "normal". As I mentioned previously, started feeling the baby move at around 15 weeks, but now you can actually see my stomach move when the baby decides to adjust or kick me. The baby is extremely active! Ken and Jasmine both felt the baby move in week 22, and are so thrilled. It was so cute when Jasmine felt the baby move...the first time she was like "mommy I did it", like she made my belly move. The second time she said "Oh my baby brother/sister". Now she loves to rub and kiss my belly. Sometimes she even gets into conversations with the is very, very cute.

As for my weight, it was a rough month. I gained a great deal of weight, but am hoping to level it off this month. As of this morning, I have gained 18 pounds when I should be closer to 14 or 15. It may not seem that far off, but when you gain one pound a week, it puts me in a range I rather not be in. My OB didn't see it as a big deal though, telling me that some months you may gain a great deal of weight, while not gaining anything the following month. So that is my goal this month, to gain 0 to 1 pounds. That will put me back on track, at least for the most part.

Not sure if I mentioned it in my last post or not, but Jasmine's room has been painted and looks so cute. Finally got pictures loaded to my PC, so will post the pictures here soon. We will have to finish up the baby's room soon. We should have painted by now, but the paint is still sitting in the garage. I cannot blame anyone other than myself, I have been on the lazy side lately, but hopefully with our crib here now, I will be more motivated.

The only task I was able to complete this month was redoing my baby registry. I was so certain I knew the sex of my baby that I selected things gender specific, but lord and behold, I was wrong (which doesn't happen So I spent the last few weeks modifying. It took some time, but I finally got it done and this time I was smart about it and only registered at one place. Which brings me to a question. Is it okay to have a baby shower with a second child? I did some research on the internet and almost everyone said it was okay, but when I talk to others they are surprised. Personally I think it depends on one's situation. Our reasonings are:
1) Most of our smaller baby items were given away when we moved from San Diego to Raleigh
2) Several of the larger items were stolen or broken when shipped here
3) I never had a baby shower with mine or Ken's family to celebrate the coming of Jasmine due to distance (main reason)

There are a few more reasons, but they become too detailed and might give something away some of you do not want to know.

So with that said, is it okay? Is it greedy? I mean the main purpose is to celebrate the coming of a newborn, right? So why do I feel guilty? Even with the guilt I want one so bad, maybe because I missed out the first time around, I don't know, I guess I just feel it is part of a tradition that I and the baby missed out on. Maybe I am just a weirdo...okay I am a weirdo either way, but still.

Moving on, we are off to my parents house this weekend to visit and pick up a few items. This will be our last visit there until 2009 so I am really looking forward to spending quality time with my parents. I know I will see my mother again when she comes down in August, but it will be so hectic then, there will be no time to relax.

My next doctors appointment is May 30th. I will try and post something in early June before we head up to New Jersey. After that my appointments will be two weeks apart, which means I should start posting more often. Until then, enjoy life and drink one for me.


The Whelan family in NC

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We are having a...

Well I am now 17 and a half weeks pregnant and am feeling better every day. While my belly is huge, I have only gained 9 pounds, which is right where I hoped to be.

Yesterday I had the telling ultrasound. However, because there are some readers who wish to wait until the baby is born, we will not disclose the sex of the baby in our blog. Instead, if someone would like to know, please email us at or text me at 919-880-7607.

Ken was out of town, which meant that unfortunately, he was unable to come with me to the Ultrasound. However, Jasmine was able to go. I am not exactly sure what I expected, but I know I did not expect her to lose attention after just a few seconds. After the first screenshot of the baby on the monitor her attention was focused more on the equipment in the room, than the baby itself. Most of the time she wanted to hold my hand or would say "my turn" and try and hop on the table. I had hoped it would help her better understand there was a baby inside me, but I guess she is still a little young. She did ask several times what the tool was the doctor was using, but that is as far as it went.

As for the baby, "it" weighs 1/2 a pound and is about 7 inches long. That baby is a bit longer than normal, but is right on target weight wise. There was no change in my due date, which is August 30th, but we still have yet to determine my actually delivery date which will be either the 22nd or 25th of August, if not sooner.

My next appointment is not until April 24th and won't be much to write home about. But I will post any updates then.

Also, I have several still shots of the ultrasound which I will post on the blog as soon as I get a chance to scan them. Don't worry, I won't post any revealing snapshots...

Moving along, Easter was great. We had a wonderful time in New Jersey and Jasmine had a chance to die Easter eggs for the first time. She really enjoyed it. As for Kenny and I, we were just happy to get Wawa hoggies and spend time with the family. Though Ken did make sure to pick up a few bags of Salt and Vinegar chips. I am not a fan of them, but Jasmine likes them as much as Ken does.

For Easter Dinner we went to Uncle Lenny's house which was both awesome and yummy. There was a lot of terrific food, but my favorites was a tortellini dish grandma Sutton made and of course grandma's famous potato salad. Grandma is so sweet she even made a bucket just for me. Besides the food and full stomachs, it was so wonderful to see everyone in the family. It has been some time since we have seen a number of them. The only downfall was that we had to drive home that day, which meant we had to cut our family time short. It would have been nice to spend more time with everyone. I hope to spend more time with everyone when we come up in June for Jessie's graduation.

The drive home was terrible. There was a traffic accident that brought traffic almost to a standstill. We went 10 miles in 60 minutes. In theory, we should have made it home in 6 hours, even with a quick pit stop. Instead it took just over 7 hours, getting us in around 2 am. Boy were we tired! In fact, Ken did the unmentionable and allowed me to drive the last hour he was so tired. I felt bad for him because he had to go out of town that day, which meant he only got about 3 hours of sleep. Luckily someone else drove to their job site which allowed him to catch some ZZZZs.

I suppose that is about it for now. Again, sorry for the lack of luster. I know I am not an exciting writer, but please bare with me, most of the documents I write are technical documents. How much drier could it get?

Peace Out!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pregnancy week 16

I am close to my four month mark and have felt the baby move once. I believe movement will increase rapidly over the next few weeks, which will be an exciting time for all of us. I cannot wait for Jasmine to feel the baby move.

Friday I took a maternal blood screening test, also known as a "triple marker" test or "triple screen". The test measures the levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a protein produced by the fetus, and the pregnancy hormones hCG and estriol in my blood. The results of the triple marker test will tell us if our baby is at risk for (not whether she/he has) neural tube defects such as spina bifida or chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.

That is all the baby news we have this week. As for Jasmine, she is starting to act out a little. She is fighting nap time, which I suppose is normal for children, but she (the girl who wouldn't even get out of her bed unless you we called to her) is getting out of bed for any reason she can think of. Yesterday it was because the cat was on the table in the kitchen. Of course, how would she know that unless she snuck out of her room already. Last night when it was time for bed, she kept peaking through her door and at one point tried to climb into bed with us. Does anyone have a trick to curb this behavior? She has only been doing this for about three or four days, but it is so out of character for her, we are lost on how to handle it.

Moving on, this weekend is Easter weekend, and a big travel weekend for us. We are leaving Thursday night for New Jersey. We shouldn't hit much traffic but are guessing it will still take close to 7 hours to get to Ken's mom's house. I just hope my bladder can handle it. I have already pre-warned Ken there might be a need to multiple stops, but to be honest, there are not many areas I would feel comfortable stopping.

We are excited about the trip, but it is going to be a short one. We have several things to accomplish while we are there, to include meeting with our tax lady. I am hoping Jasmine gets a chance to meet the Easter bunny. She loves Santa, so why not a huge bunny? As for Jas, she is hoping to paint Easter eggs and is looking forward to an Easter egg hunt. Last year she did a solo hunt, so we are guessing this year will be loads more fun, as she will get to hunt around with Ken's younger sisters. We will also have Easter dinner at Uncle Lenny's house which means Jasmine will get to play with Alyssa. I think she is old enough now that they can play together for hours and Alyssa loves Jasmine so much. They are really cute together.

While we won't be able to do much driving around due to our schedule, I am hoping one or two of you will stop by Ken's mom's house to hang out for a little, we would love to see you all!

I have my Ultrasound on the 25th. We are finding out the sex of the baby this time around, which means, as soon as I can get my hands on a computer I will share the news. I am still torn on whether to take Jasmine with me. While I believe it would be beneficial for her, it is a bit out of the way, and I have to head into the office afterwards. I am still leaning on taking her though as I am hoping it will help Jasmine better understand that there is a baby growing inside me. She sees that my belly is getting larger and she tells everyone there is a baby in my belly, but I doubt she really grasps what is going on.

...poor me, my belly is getting bigger and bigger. I really do look like I am at least six months pregnant. Oh, brother!

Will post again next week.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby News!

Thanks to Mike's recommendation, we have started a family blog. As everyone now knows, we are expecting a second little one. We will post our pregnancy news and any other exciting family news here, along with pictures when possible. Not sure how exciting this will be for everyone else, but at least it will be a great memory point for us.

So crack open the bottle of wine (or bottled water) and snuggle on the couch, as your read the fabulous news of the Whelan family...

Disclosure: Cannot guarantee this blog will be exciting in the eyes of the reader. Not responsible for your boredom.

March 10, 2008

We are 15 weeks pregnant and Ken is already showing sign's of pregnancy sympothy. Not sure who will gain more weight, but my money is on Ken. He is also using the restroom frequently, suffering from headache's and nausea, and is restless at night. It is nice not to have to go through this alone, lol!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. They will take blood samples to ensure the baby is healthy. Hopefully he or she is, because I have been craving caffeine. I know that it is terrible, but I have a cup of ice tea four to five times a week. I have only been doing this for two weeks, but that still doesn't make it okay. I am trying to stop, but the cravings are so strong.

My only other craving is peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, which I still have yet to try, because I know it sounds strange. Course yesterday I had a salad with all kinds of goodies, to include grapes. I have to say, it sounded better than it tasted, but I suppose it is better than eating brick or chalk.

Stay tuned, to be continued next week...